Individually effective
Experience, expertise, functional physiotherapy training on around 600 square metres and a unique combination of different training and regeneration equipment.
Functional physiotherapy training on 600 square metres

Keiser devices offer precise adjustment of the training resistance for physical therapy and rehabilitation. The devices are equipped with a digital control system that enables fine adjustment of the pneumatic resistance (= weight resistance) even during exercise
Exercise equipment

The Itensic training device focuses on optimising trunk and hip stability as well as mobility through linear movements over short distances. These also activate the deep muscles and thus improve posture and joint mechanics.
Itensic trunk
and hip stability

The 360° Space Curl offers a unique training concept that promotes balance, coordination and muscle development. It combines training with a unique movement experience. Thanks to its three-dimensional freedom of movement, the Space Curl enables holistic training, especially for improving motor skills and rehabilitation.
Space Curl
360° Trainer

The Dimove Functional Seesaw Pro offers an innovative training system that has been specially developed to improve strength, balance and coordination as well as specific motor skills. By using unstable platforms that enable multidirectional movements, Dimove specifically addresses the entire musculoskeletal system as well as cognitive performance.
Dimove function
rocker Pro

The combination of biomechanical assessment and customised exercise programmes has been specially developed to improve proprioceptive and motor skills. It combines advanced sensor technology with interactive exercise programmes to provide customised therapy and training options. This not only supports rehabilitation after injuries, but also promotes general physical performance.

The isokinetic recumbent bike enables training with constant speed and variable resistance. Bidirectional, it therefore enables optimum muscle activation without the risk of overloading. It also offers an isokinetic mode and a power mode. Different load types can be combined as required.
Cyclus 2: Isokinetic recumbent bike

Galileo offers effective vibration training that increases muscle strength, improves mobility and contributes to faster regeneration. Its unique technology also activates deeper muscle groups, which is particularly beneficial in rehabilitation and competitive sports. Training on Galileo supports bone health and muscle development with high efficiency.

The training equipment presented here offers a wide range of options for safe and effective training, particularly in the context of rehabilitation and targeted strength building. They are suitable for both experienced athletes and beginners who want to get back into physical activity after injuries or operations.
Training opportunities
Physiotherapy, regeneration and functional training
Physiotherapy and functional physiotherapy training in prevention and recovery are carried out using highly specialised equipment. This ensures optimum regeneration. Biological and functional diagnostics enable a well-founded assessment of physical resilience.

Comprehensive fitness programme
There are also numerous rowing, kayaking and various cycle ergometers available. A free weights area and small machines are also available.